In this demonstration, we present MagneTisch, an interactive surface that can move, rotate, and modify 3D printed tangibles. A height-adjustable gripper arm grabs tangibles using magnets to move them to any location on the interactive table surface and also is able to rotate them as a whole or internal parts independently. In addition, the tangibles are externally tracked and a top-down projector can render digital content directly onto the surface and objects. Thereby, our demonstrator will showcase three applications: (1) a tangible virtual whiteboard, (2) a racing application, and (3) a tech demo highlighting all features.
@inproceedings{guenther_2022_demonstrating,dimensions={true},author={G\"{u}nther, Sebastian and Nelles, Frank and Horn, Florian and M\"{u}hlh\"{a}user, Max},title={Demonstrating MagneTisch: Tangibles in Motion on an Interactive Surface},year={2022},isbn={9781450396905},publisher={Association for Computing Machinery},address={New York, NY, USA},url={},doi={10.1145/3543758.3547520},booktitle={Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2022},pages={590–593},numpages={4},keywords={3D printing, interactive surface, magnets, tabletop, tangibles},location={Darmstadt, Germany},series={MuC '22}}
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